Cahier Pocket Plain Journal (set of 3) in Black or Kraft Brown.
in pocket size, and/or large.
Tim Walker- Pictures
other good gift ideas:
-bath products.
-good smelling candles.
little things for inspiration, and memory.
Beautiful works such as the Venus Chair are created with fibers suspended in tanks, slowly allowing the crystals to grow and form the object. Tokujin states that the forms emerge gradually overtime such as the goddess Venus herself gradually emerges from water.
By allowing the structure to evolve naturally, he creates what he calls "beauty born of coincidence."
Destiny, Moonlight, Unfinished are 2-dimensional works employing the growth of crystals, and how that growth is effected by the different music played during the growing process.
Check out the rest of his great work here.
i love this animated gif of Bill Haverchuck from Freaks and Geeks. It was created by Mark Portillo, please check out the rest of his wonderful works, by clicking on the image above.