Sunday, October 4, 2009

i am beginning to feel like there is nothing left.
i have nothing to draw from creatively. i feel really drained.
it's upsetting to sit here and look at all this beautiful work that other people are creating when i feel like i can't seem to create a thing. I am really lost, it's been this way for a good while, and I'm ready to give up. I just can't keep doing this. but in doing that, i have nothing left.
I'm empty and alone. I don't know what to do.
I'm stuck.

1 comment:

LaughingRhoda said...

i stumbled on your site, saw this post and just had to comment. being a creative, i've felt that way a few dozen times and know how awful it feels. we are the mad ones, mad to live, mad to do everything at once, mad to burn...

during one particular bad bout a few months ago, my artist friend said that it was a time to take in rather than create. i now see that this dry/angst-ridden/seemingly-neverending-and-oh-so-pointless time is the artist's version of being in a cocoon. it is the ebb part of creation (rather than the flow).

so, a suggestion from a stranger: use this time to be a sponge and i promise, something beautiful and new (never expected!) will come out of it in the end.